All the reasons given by the Health Minister for changing the name of the Lady Cilento Hospital have been proven to be baseless.
Avi Cohen, The Sunday Truth
Opinion: Lady Cilento Hospital name change
This week the Health Minister Steven Miles said on camera five times he never agreed with the Cilento family that there had been a smear campaign from some doctors against their Mother and Grandmother, Lady Cilento.
By Tim Arvier - Investigative Reporter, 9 News
Opposition accuses government of ‘possible corruption’ over Lady Cilento
Queensland’s Opposition is asking the corruption watchdog to investigate the Health Minister over a rigged poll used to change the name of Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.
By Ray Hadley, 4BC
Lady Cilento name change assessed by Crime and Corruption Commission
Queensland health minister Steven Miles has been referred to the Crime and Corruption Commission over the Lady Cilento name change online survey.
By Tim Arvier - Investigative Reporter, 9 News
Palaszczuk Government referred to Crime and Corruption Commission
LNP Leader Deb Frecklington said after a week of lies, scandals and claims of serious vote rigging that it was time the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) undertook a full investigation of the Palaszczuk Government’s Lady Cilento scandal.
Bruce Black and Avi Cohen, The Sunday Truth
Lady Cilento decision exposes government's trickiness
"At least three senior doctors currently working at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (and it should remain with that name given the devious way it was changed) have told me they never saw a petition to change the name, and are vehemently opposed to it."
By Madonna King, Brisbane Times
9 News Investigation: The Lady Cilento name change survey only told us one thing
We can only tell one thing from the Lady Cilento public vote, and that is we can't tell anything at all. It was a bad start when the question about the name change didn't even mention "Lady Cilento". Then to have so many IP addresses voting repeatedly 'Yes' does appear suspicious, especially when the same patterns are not present for the 'No' vote.
By Tim Arvier - Investigative Reporter, 9 News
7 News: Hospital investigation
A 7 News investigation has found parents and doctors think the Lady Cilento name change debacle is masking an even bigger issue of chronic bed shortages, putting children’s health at risk.
Katrina Blowers, 7 News Queensland
10 News: The Premier has hosed down claims of a rort
Amid revelations thousands of votes to change the name of the Lady Cilento Children's hospital, came from a handful of IP addresses. The Opposition wants them made public and the Health Minister investigated.
Tegan George, 10 News First Queensland
Campbell Newman buys in to hospital name change fight
FORMER Queensland premier Campbell Newman says the State Government’s poll used to justify the renaming of the children’s hospital should be referred to the corruption watchdog if public servants were found to have voted excessively.
Jack McKay, The Courier-Mail
Poll Rigged
What kind of government are they running up there? Dozens of yes votes to an online opinion poll used by the Queensland government to justify a decision to rename the state’s main children’s hospital emanated from ministerial offices, including that of state Health Minister Steven Miles, files extracted under Right to Information laws suggest.
Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun
Disputed Hospital Name Change Escalates with Queensland Government Lies and Cover-ups
Australia's Queensland Labor Government is rushing to implement the name change of the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital to the Queensland Children's Hospital as it emerges it has lied about the cancellation of its business names six months before the public consultation process.
Bruce Black and Avi Cohen, The Sunday Truth
7 News Brisbane
There are fresh claims tonight, the name change of Queensland's peak paediatric hospital was a done deal, months before a public poll.
Erin Edwards, 7 News Brisbane
Exposed: Australia's Queensland Government Cover Up
Damning proof has emerged that the Queensland Government had taken steps to change the name of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital long before officials launched their so-called ‘public consultation’.
Bruce Black, The Sunday Truth
Cilento family considering legal options over hospital name change
THE family of Lady Phyllis Cilento say they are considering legal options as they battle to stop her name being taken off the state’s children’s hospital.
Sarah Vogler, The Courier-Mail
Lady Cilento’s family threatens to wage PR war over hospital name change
Furious members of the Cilento family have warned they will mount an all-out PR war against the Queensland government for refusing to reverse its decision to dump the name ‘Lady Cilento’ from the children’s hospital.
Alison Brown, Brisbane Times
Lady Cilento: Why have we turned our backs on one of our greats?
I’VE HEARD IT SAID that America’s blind spot are its gun laws, but Australia’s blind spot is its history.
Susan Johnson, The Courier-Mail
State cuts child health funding while $500,000 spent on Lady Cilento name change
THE Queensland Government cut $10.6 million in funds from children’s health last year at the same time it embarked on a costly plan to change the name of Lady Cilento Hospital.
Steven Scott, The Courier-Mail
Opinion: Hospital name change devalues our female leaders
WHILE many Queenslanders are riding the wave of positive abortion reform, a select group of petty politicians have begun destroying the legacy of one of history’s largest stalwarts of women’s medical rights.
Giovanna Volpe-Cilento, The Courier-Mail
‘Deserve better than this’: State slammed for pricey plan to rename Lady Cilento Hospital
QUEENSLANDERS have been given a month to have their say on whether they think Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, the state’s major youth hospital, should have its name changed.
Natalie Wolfe,
Dropping of Lady Cilento name is nothing more than bad politics
The Queensland Government’s plan to dump poor old Lady Cilento from the hospital that bears her name is a folly, and you shouldn’t fall for it.
Madonna King, Brisbane Times
How to save the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital name
THE current outrage over the State Government’s decision to change the name of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital could be the very thing that saves it.
Darren Cartwright, The Courier-Mail
9 News Queensland
The Cilento family are exploring legal options to prevent the controversial name change of the Lady Cilento Hospital.
Rob Morrison, 9 News